Finding and keeping sufficient funds for your non-profit organization is an increasingly difficult task at times. Within non-profit attractions, there is a lot to keep track of, and when it comes to your revenue the last thing you want is to lose track of any part of it. It’s crucial that the funds you have are utilized in the best ways possible, and keeping track of it all can seem like an unyielding task. However, a new point-of-sale (POS) software may give you everything you need to do it all.
- It tracks revenue, expenses, and donations
POS software is capable of tracking each transaction in your non-profit attraction. The POS tracks all revenue and can also track donations made to your non-profit attraction. It makes great use of sale reports that not only demonstrate what’s working for your attraction but what isn’t, as well as giving you reliable tax information. What was once a stressful task is now a few clicks with confidence.
- It facilitates memberships and season passes
It’s no shock that memberships and season passes are good revenue for your attraction, but of course they aren’t the easiest thing to sell to your guests. A new POS software makes this process easier, and it’s easier to promote them to your guests. With a new POS, managing guest accounts with memberships or season passes is a smoother process. It allows you to keep track of what guests with memberships are spending on within your attraction and makes it easier to sends those guests the coupons and perks that they deserve.
- It makes the guest experience better
Most importantly, getting a new (POS) can make the guest experience within your non-profit attraction skyrocket. The POS software opens up the door for more opportunities and more transactions. This would include more payment options like credit cards or gift cards. Also, the POS could make online purchasing a breeze. Guests do not want to jump through hoops to enjoy your non-profit attraction, they’d rather jump for joy over how easy it is to have a good time there.
Creative by The Evoke Group