Everybody loves a big surprise on their big day. Over the course of a calendar year there’s 364 days for your customers to comfortably embrace the normalcy of everyday, regularly scheduled life. But for a birthday, it’s time to go beyond expectations with an effective strategy to share best wishes—and a special deal to get them back in the doors. By taking a moment to collect customer birthdays at the point of sale, the potential to increase customer loyalty and boost revenue suddenly becomes as simple as blowing out the candles on a cake. 1. Age ain’t Nothing but a Number Quite simply, birthday emails have a long and effective history of producing more than just good vibes. A crucial component to success, reaching your clients when they’re actively looking for a way to celebrate or spend their birthday cash just can’t be ignored in good conscience. According to Campaign Monitor, • Birthday emails have a 481% higher transaction rate than promotional emails. • Birthday emails generate 342% higher revenue per email than promotional Emails. • Birthday emails have 179% higher unique click rates than promotional emails. 2. The Gift that Keeps on Giving Offering a redeemable coupon, discounted purchasable service or free gift on a customer’s birthday serves as a welcome sign of appreciation while delivering the necessary motivation to buy or claim in the name of celebration. In short, giving a little something extra keeps your business at the top of your customers’ minds—which in turn gives you the advantage over your competitors. In today’s world, customers have begun to expect something special on their birthday, so missing out when the time is right, not only impacts current business but could potentially drive them straight into the welcome arms of a competitor while you’re left trying to win them back. So focus on a goal to repeat revenue, by offering them what they want—when they want it. 3. Where the Party’s at? Gatemaster fetch rev birthday.jpg What’s the first thing people think of when they hear the name of your business? Are you the hot ticket in town for everything from birthdays to corporate team building activities? If you’re not quite there yet, it’s time to step into the lead and catapult your business with best practices proven to drive results. Encourage more people to celebrate at your business with special offers on party packages, facility rentals, and more. By maintaining a file of customer information, you can specifically target those with birthdates approaching in 30 or 60 days. It might seem obvious, but you could be missing out on prime party traffic by not sending deals to the most relevant audience. Set up a date collector, send targeted specials, and watch your birthday party business boom.

Learn More:

Season Pass 101 How to Solve Big Problems with Mobile Point-of-Sale 4 Tips for Optimizing Your Point-of-Sale

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