There is a wide array of ideas available on the internet to help you gain business during your slow season. Some can cost you more time and money than others. Here are some of our suggestions for a successful slow season. 1. Use Holidays and Events to your advantage. After New Year’s most people create resolutions to try new things. Advertise why they should try your business and other local businesses as part of their resolution. {{cta(‘a386580b-cbc6-466c-86b8-f75286b61e75’)}} For Valentine’s day why do the regular dinner and movie? Do something fun, new, and creative. During the Super Bowl or Final Four have your customers wear their team colors to get a discount. Take a photo of these customers enjoying themselves at your business and share on social media. Gatemaster Team colors.jpg 2. Only use discount sites like Groupon, Amazon Deals, and Living Social during your slow season. Often these discount sites can hurt your business when not properly leveraged. When you only use discount sites during your slow season you get more customer revenue, customers will share the discount with friends via social media, and most importantly your employees will have something to do! 3. Find local events to be part of during seasonal closures or slow season. Being part of an event like parade, car show, fair, or carnival will help keep your business fresh in your customer’s minds. These types of events expose your business to new customers and partnerships. 4. Leverage social media to keep your customers engaged in your business. Encourage your customers check in at your business when they post to Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Create a social media contest to create a buzz around your business. Meme and Photo caption contest are fun ways for your customers to interact with you. Gatemaster Fun at work party.jpg 5. Don’t forget to have fun! No matter the business you’re in, if you and your employees are not enjoying themselves the customer will notice. Create fun ways to keep your staff excited even during the slow season. Your customers will notice. Related Blogs How to Promote, Engage and Educate Your Guest Using Facebook Party and Event Booking Made Easy Make Scheduling Your Employees Easier


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