If you think your admissions and attraction-based business is too small to take advantage of the point-of-sale and ticking features that the bigger facilities use think again. Smaller businesses can and do use the features below increasing their sales year over year and creates happier guest experiences. Let us tell you how!
Integrated E-Commerce and Online Event/Party Booking
If you expect your guest to phone in a party booking, it’s never going to happen. The average consumer is looking to make reservations in the quickest and easiest way possible online. Every year in person and phone sales are decreasing across all different types of businesses. If you don’t have a website and/or if you don’t give your guests, the opportunity to purchase from your website you could be missing out on sales you didn’t even know about.
Both of Gatemaster’s point-of-sale and ticketing softwares are integrated with our e-commerce platform. Any purchases or booked parties are instantly sent to your point-of-sale system saving you on the phone time and preventing human input errors on your end.
Access Control and Ticket Validation
Through a wrist band, printed ticket, or your preferred choice of media you can ensure only guests that have paid are gaining access to your facility and its attractions. With a quick scan and green light your employees know instantly who to let through and who to send back to the ticket booth for assistance.
Theft Prevention
You leave yourself open to employee and customer theft if you are not using a point-of-sale and ticketing system. Preprinted tickets can be stolen and unverified. Cash goes unaccounted for. Simply having a system can reduce your overall theft. With a point-of-sale you can run reports, determine if you are missing merchandise, and review spending trends.
Loyalty Rewards and Season Pass Perks
Having a reason to come back can be addicting. Simply offering a return discount or gift can keep your guest happy and coming back for more. If you offer season passes or memberships, you could offer a food and merchandise discount as a perk. For a loyalty rewards program you can offer a free t-shirt after the 5th visit. The best part is this doesn’t cost you more money. This is already built into your Gatemaster system.
Allow your guests to keep a running tab as they visit your facility. Your guest simply open their tab at the beginning of the day at any register then they can spend to their hearts content with just a quick scan of wristband or ticket. There is no risk to you because the credit card is preauthorized on the standard amount you choose. Not only do guests spend more when they have an open tab, but it increases guest satisfaction because your lines move quicker. This is another feature that comes standard with Gatemaster.