Are you happy with your current point-of-sale? Ask yourself these questions about your point-of-sale to help you determine if you should be looking for a new system.
Is your current point-of-sale integrated with your E-Commerce?
Integrated point-of-sale and E-Commerce saves you time, money, and reduces errors. If you find yourself having to enter in information from one system to another, this is a huge loss to your time and bank account. Reduce errors and save money by having integrated solutions like calendar, event/party booking, and online purchases.
Are you currently EMV compliant?
As of October 2015, if a chip card is presented to you and you have not adopted a certified EMV card terminal, liability for counterfeit fraud may be passed to you, the business owner. Learn more about payment processing here.
Does your current point-of-sale take a cut of each ticket you sale?
Choose a point-of-sale that doesn’t take from your profits. The upfront cost for point-of-sale systems that charge per ticket are much lower but in the end, you will be paying more. If a company is taking a percentage of each ticket sale you make, over the year that is going to add up.
How can your point-of-sale help to reduce theft?
You need a point-of-sale and inventory system that can run reports. Often reports are the only way to uncover theft. Employee theft can go unseen for years until a new point-of-sale is put into place. You can reduce customer ticket theft by having integrated access control at your facility.
Are you running an old version of Windows?
If you are still using Windows XP or an earlier operating system, you should strongly consider upgrading. You are running a huge security risk when your business uses outdated software. Upgrading your software may also you require you to upgrade your hardware.
Learn More:
4 Tips for Optimizing Your Point-of-Sale
Party and Event Booking Made Easy
How to Keep Your Employees Happy and Ready to Work
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